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Gold and silver and sunshine is rising up
Pour yourself another cup of Lady Grey
Take my hand in the meantime, when you've had enough
You'll find me on the end of a runway, babe

Tell the world that you love them in a melody
Send my old piano and a telegram
Gotta get me a doctor with a remedy
I'm gonna take a walk with the Monkey Man!

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Someone tell me I'm dreaming
The freaks are rising up through the floor
Everything I believe in is
Telling me that I want more, more, more

Lay your love on the fire when you come on in
I got my hee-bee-jee-bees in a hidden bag
Tell me what you desire and we'll bag it up

Someone tell me I'm dreaming
The freaks are rising up through the floor
Everything I believe in is
Telling me that I want more, more, more

Lay your love on the fire when you come on in
I got my hee-bee-jee-bees in a hidden bag
Tell me what you desire and we'll bag it up

Shine a light on yout fire when you come on in
I got my hee-bee-jee-bees in a hidden bag
Tell me what you desire and we'll bag it up

Writer(s): Noel Gallagher

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