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Wouldn't know if it kept calling
My melatonin isn't forming
Was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice I had a moment
Should I go if I get bored of being lonely?
Are you lonely?
There's a new me paying old fees in the front seat

So I won't be anywhere for any other
Count down from three and breathe, can you handle it?

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'Cause damned if I won't be digging in my heels
Coalescing all our favourite evenings
I'm waiting on my dreams to come and get me
'Cause hell, it's been a ride

Shoulda known it'd get boring
In the hellscape, I was first place
To the coffin in the garden, it was creaking

So I won't be anywhere for any other
Count down from three and breathe, can I handle it?

'Cause damned if I won't be digging in my heels
Coalescing every other ending
I'm waiting on my dreams to come and get me
'Cause hell, it's been a ride

'Cause damned if I can't be all that I would need
It's a lesson, one I'm never learning
Who have I been kidding?
I'm dealing with it all alright
I'm setting free (I'm setting free)
I'm setting free, yeah (I'm free)

If it kept calling
My melatonin isn't forming (I was kinda hoping)
Was kinda hoping (damned if)
You wouldn't notice I had a moment

Writer(s): Ali John Meredith-lacey, Edward Jamie Tullett

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