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You'd better run
You'd better hide
You'd better lock you house
And keep the kids inside
Here come the twentieth century's latest scam
He's a half a boy and half a man

He ain't a fool but he's a tool
Because his left don't know what his right hand's doin'
He'd keep a King Kong eating out of the palm of his hand
Now he's a half a boy and half a man

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Best be fleet up on your feet
Or else the S.P.G. 's gonna clear the streets
They never made no provision in the original plan
For half a boy and half a man
When his fingers do the walking
In the middle of the night
When his people stalk in
Baby, let me tell you
Nothing comes out right

Best be fleet up on your feet
Or else the S.P.G. 's gonna clear the streets
They never made no provision in the original plan
For half a boy and half a man

When his fingers do the walking
In the middle of the night
When his people stalk in
Baby, let me tell you
Nothing comes out right

You'd better run
You'd better hide
You'd better lock you house
And keep the kids inside
Here come the twentieth century's latest scam
He's a half a boy and half a man

He's a half a boy and half a man
He's a half a boy and half a man
He's a half a boy and half a man
Come on

Writer(s): Nicholas Drain Lowe

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