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Abnormal level of energy since the day of his birth
Defying the boundaries of time, fragile laws of the earth
Disguised as an outcast, a rebel left aside

Walking among the insects
This God has yet to acknowledge
The truth about his purpose
A mighty protector leading the world to its doom
Unconsciously waiting for the sign

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(A terrible secret hidden through dark ages
Once realized will traumatize mankind)

Revered as a messiah
Foreseen as the prophet
The one who brings redemption
Unite the nations
He who will save these lands from disaster

Destiny chose him to be the catalyst of the apocalypse
Trigger of the extinction
The fate of millions lies on the shoulders of this unstable being

(Solo: Rob)

Unaware of his power
The ultimate force that sleeps within
This ability to recreate and heal through merciless destruction

Worship the impossible
Witness this fragile world collapse, break to pieces
And set afire for the greater good

Feared by the mass, infamous persona
There is no limit to his growing cruelty

(In this act of desperation, commits the unthinkable)

An icon reborn in terror
Announce a broken prophecy
From God to monster, the last creator
Unleash a dreadful tyranny
Endless reign of torment and misery

A severe decision
Choice that defines
Echoes of existence
History defied only by his presence...

Writer(s): Alexandre Leblanc, Robin Milley

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