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some people call it evil,
others name it mental rape
once you've been spellbound
there is no escape

now it's time for you to let loose
we dont care what they say
join this revelating cruise
'cause monster metal is here to stay

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

suicide and destruction
is what they fear
yeah yeah its brutal, yes, but dangerous
only for our ears

now it's time for you to let loose
we dont care what they say
join this revelating cruise
'cause monster metal is here to stay

i cant help jumping around
to the beat of this psychotic sound
is this heaven or is this hell
im forever submitted to this monster spell

now it's time for you to let loose
we dont care what they say
join this revelating cruise
'cause monster metal is here to stay

splatter horror rock n' roll,
crazy you us find
well, death is part of life,
always keep that in mind

now it's time for you to let loose
we dont care what they say
join this revelating cruise
'cause monster metal is here to stay (x3)

Writer(s): Kim Sigurd Bo Gaarde, Tim Kristensen, Jan Daggry

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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