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Help to blind me, trying to burn me
Your hole not mine
I just need to keep you all out
I want to think but I don't have time

Away from home
Learn to hate
Die for the land
Fucking waste

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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Away from home
Learn to hate
Die for the land
Fucking waste

Push the button, who cares anymore
Same old mistakes, again and again
Guerillas on the front, meat for the east
Put another body on the pile

Away from home
Learn to hate
Die for the land
Fucking waste

Away from home
Learn to hate
Die for the land
Fucking waste

Help to blind me, trying to burn me
Your hole not mine
I just need to keep you all out
I want to think but I don't have time

Writer(s): Massimiliano A. Cavalera, Alex Newport

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