
I need somebody to pull me out of this grave I've filled
With hate and doubt
I need save right now, can you hear me calling out?
Can you hear me?

I have been a slave for years
A slave to my own doubts
There's life to live
But I'm dying now
How am to show you love when I can't love myself?
I'm crying out
But I can't find help
(Can you help me?)

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Don't patronize
The person I've become
It's a hellish lie
I'm ashamed of all I've done
Now I'm terrified
Of the price that is to pay
But I know it's mine
My bed's already made

I need somebody to pull me out of this grave I've filled
With hate and doubt
I need save right now, can you hear me calling out?
Can you hear me?

I need somebody to build me back up
Hold me steady we're in for the long run
And when you're ready, we'll both jump
Yeah, we'll both jump

I know that it's hopeless
But hoped they'd give notice to my breaking heart
They look so close
But feel so far
I'll spend my days locked away
In this prison I've built for myself
I hold the keys
Still I can't break free (can't break free)

Don't patronize
The person I've become
It's a hellish lie
I'm ashamed of all I've done
Now I'm terrified
Of the price that is to pay
But I know it's mine
My bed's already made

I need somebody to pull me out of this grave I've filled
With hate and doubt
I need save right now, can you hear me calling out?
Can you hear me?

I need somebody to build me back up
Hold me steady, we're in for the long run
And when you're ready, we'll both jump
Yeah, we'll both jump

I need somebody to pull me out of this grave I've filled
With hate and doubt
I need save right now, can you hear me calling out?
Can you hear me?

Writer(s): Zachary Munn

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