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Jimmy won't you please come home?
The grass is green and the buffaloes roam
Come see Jimmy, your uncle Jim
And your auntie Jim and your cousin Jim
Come home Jimmy 'cause you need a bath
And your grandpa Jimmy is still gone daft

Now there's buffalo Jim and buffalo Jim
There's Jim buffalo now da-didn't you know?
Jim Jimmy Jimmy it's your last cigarette
And there's buffalo piss and it's all kind of wet
Jambo Jimmy you'd better hold your nose
Roads lead to roam with the buffaloes

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And the Buffaloes used to say "Be proud of your name"
The Buffaloes used to say "Be what you are"
The Buffaloes used to say "Roam where you roam"
The Buffaloes used to say "Do what you do"

Hey, you've gotta have a wash but you can't clean your name
You're now called Jimmy, you'll be Jimmy just the same
The keys are in the bag, in a chest by the door
And one of Jimmy's friends has taken the floor

Jimmy won't you please come home?
Where the grass is green and the buffaloes roam
Dear old Jimmy you've forgot you're young
But you can't ignore the buffalo song

And the Buffaloes used to say "Be proud of your name"
The Buffaloes used to say "Be what you are"
The Buffaloes used to say "Roam where you roam"
The Buffaloes used to say "Do what you do"

If you remember you're unknown
The Buffalo land will be your home
If you remember you're unknown
Buffalo land will be your home
If you remember you're unknown
Buffalo land will be your home
If you remember you're unknown
Buffalo land will be your home

Writer(s): Rosemary Standley, Stephan Zimmerli, Thomas Puechaby, Anthony Tubbs, Jeremy Fedryk, Arthur Gillette, Charles Carmignac

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