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What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?


What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

I'm thinking of friends whom I used to know
Who lived and suffered in this world below
But they've gone off to Heaven, but what I want to know
What are they doing there now?

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What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

There's some whose hearts were burdened with care
They paid for their moment to fighting and tears
But they clung to the cross with trembling fear
What are they doing there now?

What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

There's some whose bodies were full of disease
Physicians and doctors couldn't give them much ease
But they suffered 'til death brought a final release
What are they doing there now?

What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

There's some who were poor and often despised
They looked up to Heaven with tear-blinded eyes
While people were heedless and deaf to their cries
What are they doing there now?

What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

What are they doing in Heaven today?
Where sin and sorrow are all done away
"Peace abounds like a river", they say
What are they doing there now?

Writer(s): Trad, Francis Burns, Stuart Braithwaite, John Cummings, Dominic Aitchison, Martin Bulloch

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