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Where were you when I was lonesome?
Locked away with freezing cold
Someone flying, only stolen
I can't tell, this night's so old

I don't wanna swim the ocean
I don't wanna fight the tide
I don't wanna swim forever
When it's cold I'd like to die

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What was that, my sweet, sweet nothing?
I can't hear you through the fog
If I holler, let me go
If I falter, let me know

I don't wanna swim the ocean
I don't wanna fight the tide
I don't wanna swim forever
When it's cold I'd like to die

I don't wanna swim forever
I don't wanna fight the tide
I don't wanna swim the ocean
When it's cold I'd like to die

I don't want to swim the ocean
I don't want to fight the tide

Writer(s): Richard Hall, Mimi Goese

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