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oh, person person
we're really missin' you
it breaks all of our hearts to know
that you just want to come on home
so come on home

the telephone
just doesn't seem to do
to let you know
how much it's true
that we love you
yeah, we love you

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oh, person, person, person
oh, person, person, person

how's that wide river?
are the mountains doing fine?
can you smell the cottonwoods?
is it huckleberry time?
is it huckleberry time?

you tell fast eddy i say how d'you do
take a nap on a sandbar
and we're dreaming of you too
yeah we're dreaming of you too

oh, person, person, person
oh, person, person, person

you give those glacier boats
some muscle driven hell
and make sure the captain stands up straight
when the river starts to swell
when the river starts to swell

oh, person person
we're really missin' you
it breaks all of our hearts to know
that you just want
to come on home
so, come on home

Writer(s): Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn

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