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God knows you're ambitious, see you push so hard
You wanna get to the top of the heap from Sunset Boulevard
Oh, it leads smalltown girls astray
Oh, it leads smalltown girls astray

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'Cause it's lonely, lonely at the top
Baby, it's hot
It's lonely, lonely at the top
Baby, it's hot
Gonna tear your soul away

Theater is deserted and the boards are bare
You're next up for the reading and you're feeling scared
Oh, but you really want the part so bad
Yeah, go on, show 'em how a star should act

Yeah, it's lonely, lonely at the top
Baby, it's hot
Yeah, it's lonely, lonely at the top
Baby, it's hot
Gonna tear your soul away

You could be a doctor, you could be a nurse
There's no time to rehearse
You work as a waitress, you clean up the bar
But soon you'll be noticed, you'll be a star

You get your nomination, your heart's beating fast
Yes, and the winner is you! You won the prize at last
Oh, it leads smalltown girls astray
Oh, it leads smalltown girls astray

'Cause it's lonely, lonely at the top
Yeah, baby, it's hot
They're gonna strip your soul away
It's lonely, lonely
It's lonely

You get hungry, you get thirsty
Show me how a star should act
With a little crazy
Show 'em how a star should act
Show 'em that you're a lady

Writer(s): Keith Richards, Michael Phillip Jagger

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