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It slipped right from my hands
When I tried to understand
What my eyes saw
And my mind won't forget

Shame on me for these thousand words
Sleeping beneath such a high bridge
Just letting you know

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Painted in grey
Giving up without a fight
Doomed to be the one
Who never got to the start

Painted in grey
Giving up without a fight
Doomed to be the one
Who never got to the start

Painted in grey
Giving up without a fight
Doomed to be the one
Who never got to the start

Painted in grey
Giving up without a fight
Doomed to be the one
Who never got to the start

Guilty as charged
Take me to my cell
It's this time again
To turn off my

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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