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Quand Les Larmes D'un Ange Font Danser La Neige


Quand les larmes d'un ange font danser la neige
Douce neige blanche

I found somewhere to hide
(Somewhere to hide, somewhere to hide)
Someone to be held by
A safe place to cry

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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To these angels aching
Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love
To punish those with rotten heart

Quand les larmes d'un ange font danser la neige
Douce neige blanche

I found somewhere to hide
(Somewhere to hide)
Someone to be held by
A safe place to cry

Angels, aching
Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love
To punish those with rotten heart

Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love
To punish those with rotten heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh

You know it'll always get that hard
Then your mind will get blind
Don't think of it like that
Just feel with your heart

Find someone nice
Find somewhere to hide
(Somewhere to hide)
Someone to be held by

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh

The memory of making love
And they moan and came all loud
But it comes through the window like a whistle or a whisper under the bed
And little children think that the monster—
...just wanna shit all over myself when I die
Be declared braindead or heart-dead in the Vatican

Angels, aching
Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love
To punish those with rotten heart

Angels, aching
Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love
To punish those with rotten heart

Angels, aching
Keep smiling
Ain't no karma, only love


Writer(s): Melody Prochet, Reine Fiske, Fredrik Swahn, David Svedmyr, Mattias Gustavson, Johan Holmegard

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