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I've been hurt
I've been lied to so much
I've been burned in the fire
I've had enough
I've had all of the blame put on me
I've been wasting my precious energy

Well honey this just ain't in the cards
Cuz what I'm looking for feels transcendent
You are not the one for me
There's someone else
There's someone else
And that's me

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I've been tied to bed posts
I've repeated the same scenarios
I've been patient that love will find me
I've been fishing in all the wrong seas

Well honey this just ain't in the cards
Cuz what I'm looking for feels transcendent
You are not the one for me
There's someone else
There's someone else
And that's me

Guess I'll just love myself
There is nobody else
Who can please me
Please me
Please me
Like I do

Well honey this just aint' in the stars
Because what I'm looking for feels like heaven
You are not the one for me
There's someone else
There's someone else
Yes, there's someone else
There's someone else
And that's me

Writer(s): Meg Myers, Andrew Daniel Park, Lora Lee, Sean Berry

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