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I can hear the voices - the voices in the dark
I can see the path - the path of the dead
Please take my hand - and show me the sorrow
Here where the dead walk - the human race

Years ago - so many wars before
A human race - destroyed by greed and devastation
The race, a virus - called civilization
Now the dead walk - and time is over

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This is the night of living dead
There is a place, no sun awakes
The walk of the dead
The walk of the humans

I close my eyes, my bleeding eyes
I hope you can feel the suffering everyday
Like all the innocent victims all the years
The walk of heretic, the dying age

Walk of the dead!
Fuck you!
Please take my hand and show me the sorrow
Here where the dead walk, the human race
The human race

This is the night of living dead
Here is the place, here is the race
The walk of the dead
The walk of the humans

Writer(s): Tom-eric Moraweck, Sebastian Grund, Nick Wachsmuth, Andre Moraweck, Sebastian Rieche

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