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Smoke was coming off my jacket
And you didn't seem to mind
I left a long trail of ashes
And you said, "I like your style"
Now heartbreak ain't a competition
But I took it in a landslide
The skeletons I wanted to bury
You liked out in the light

You didn't save me
You didn't think I needed saving
You didn't change me
You didn't think I needed changing
My wings are frayed and what's
Left of my halo's black
Lucky for me
Your kind of heaven's
Been to hell and back
To hell and back

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I wonder how you treasure
What anyone would call a flaw
You say a pearl without the pressure
Wouldn't be a pearl at all
When my demons come a-calling
You don't even bat an eye
I don't scare you and I guess that's why

You didn't save me
You didn't think I needed saving
You didn't change me
You didn't think I needed changing
My wings are frayed and
What's left of my halo's black
Lucky for me
Your kind of heaven's been to hell and back
To Hell and back

Smoke was coming off my jacket
And I left a long trail of ashes

You didn't save me
You didn't think I needed saving
You didn't change me
You didn't think I needed changing
My wings are frayed and
What's left of my halo's black
Lucky for me
Your kind of heaven's been to hell and back

Lucky for me
Your kind of heaven's been to hell and back
To hell and back
To hell and back

Writer(s): Laura Veltz, Jessie Jo Dillion, Maren Morris

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