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Here I come
My mind is set
Get ready for love
You're my ten second pet

Touch my gun but don't pull my trigger
Let's make history in the elevator
Or lock the door, shine my pistol some more
Here I come just ten seconds more

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Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds to love
Oh, I pull my trigger
My guns loaded with your love
Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds to love
Just wait honey
'Til I tell the boys about you

Bring a girlfriend, maybe bring two
I got my camera make a star outta you
Let's inject it, photograph it
Down to the subway let the other boys have it

Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds lo love
Pull my trigger
My guns loaded with your love
Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds to love
Just wait honey
'Til I tell the boys about you

Gonna reach down low
Slide it in real slow
I wanna hear your engine roar
With my accompanying woman

You feel so good
Do you want some more?
I got a one more shot
Before I'm out the door

Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds lo love
Gonna pull my trigger
My guns loaded with your love
Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds to love
You gotta
You gotta
You gotta

Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds lo love
Yeah, I pull my trigger
My guns loaded with your love
Ten seconds to love
Ten seconds to love
Watch out, just wait honey
'Til I tell the boys about you

Was it hot for you?
Did you fire this round?
The second that I'm through
Then I'll be leaving this town

Writer(s): Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil

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