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So it's done, you've won the fight
War is over, you can stop
Don't mind them, they don't deserve
They'll keep snarling, nursing hate

Welcome back, you're wide awake
Nightmare's over, no more pain
You took the strain, got through the night
There's a way to make it right
And it's going to be the best story of your life

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Maybe you don't want to believe that you
Have your chance now, inner dreads remain unchained
Maybe you have just gotten used to your
Constant waiting for another tidal wave
But your worry's finally done and you have to deal with that

So it's done, you've won the fight
War is over, you can stop
You took the strain, got through the night
There's a way to make it right
And it's going to be the best story of your life

And it's going to be the best story of your life
And it's going to be the best story of your life
And it's going to be the best story of your life

Writer(s): Mariusz Duda

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