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Warning signs everywhere
I know I'm playin' with fire, girl, and I just don't care
See the flames in your eyes
When I wind up hurt, know the fault's all mine

Ain't no sense in tryna hold you tight
If I'm a bridge you're tryna cross tonight

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Let it burn
'Til I'm a pile of ashes smokin' on your good night dirt
Rip that rearview off, girl, and do what you do
You were gone from the start
So if this breakin' my heart's just a lesson I gotta learn
When it's time to run, light me up and let me burn

I'd be lyin' to the world
If I said I didn't want you to stay here, girl
'Til you're gone, hold me tight
'Til I'm standin' in the red of your tail lights

Truth is I don't wanna let go
When it's time for the rubber to meet the road

Let it burn
'Til I'm a pile of ashes smokin' on your goodbye dirt
Rip that rearview off, girl, and do what you do
You were gone from the start
So if this breakin' my heart's just a lesson I gotta learn
When it's time to run, light me up and let me burn

Yeah, let me burn

When "too good to be true" turns to "hurts like hell"
And it's just me and that whiskey bottle on the shelf

Let it burn
'Til I'm a pile of ashes smokin' on your goodbye dirt
Rip that rearview off, girl, and do what you do
You were gone from the start
So if this breakin' my heart's just a lesson I gotta learn
When it's time to run, light me up and let me burn

Yeah, let me burn

Writer(s): Josh Thompson, Randy Ennis Schlappi, Luke Grimes

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