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You're doing it every night
You play with my emotions
Before we go on fighting, let's get one thing straight
Is it going to be him or me?
You know I need an answer
And now, it's down to the wire and I just won't wait
Oh, no
There's something going on
I wanna hear it from you face to face (face to face)
Yeah, you know it won't be long
Before you make your last mistake

'Cause you're dangerous, you've got it coming to you
Dangerous, now what am I gonna do?
Dangerous, and I'm a lot like you

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We got to talk it out, there's three sides to every story
Well ya, there's your side, there's my side, and then, there's the truth
I want to hear it from you

You say, "We're all the same"
But I know you ain't no angel (ain't no angel)
'Cause, who you gonna blame when you wake up
Beside a stranger?

Dangerous, you got it coming to you
Dangerous, now what am I gonna do, baby?
Dangerous, and I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)
I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)

There's something going on
I want to hear it from you face to face
Yeah, you know it won't be long
Before you make your last mistake

'Cause you're dangerous, you've got it coming to you
Dangerous, now what am I gonna do now, baby?
Dangerous, and I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)

I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)
I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)
I'm a lot like you (I'm a lot like you)

Writer(s): Bryan Adams, James Douglas Vallance

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