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Keep your mouth shut!

You swarmed like rats when darkness hit your screens
A sour taste for belittling yet you were so small
When you smelt it you pounced on anyone in sight

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When I was on my own
Tears burned my aching bones
The words you said proved yourself at last
As a moral empty carcass
Walking on all fours

You've proved yourself at last
You want it all, with power comes bliss?
But all you do is take the fuckin' piss
I thought you cared

I thought you cared

When I was on my own
Tears burned my aching bones
The words you said proved yourself at last
As a moral empty carcass
Walking on all fours

An excerpt from the heart

(Listen to me, the light will never leave my eyes)
(You've had your stay, leave!)

Keep your mouth shut!
Walking on all fours

My insides, churned your thoughts into mush
Returned the favor
Erase your words before you push
My insides, churned your thoughts into mush

Liar, liar
Vermin on fire
It's you who fanned the flames

Writer(s): Douglas Park, Cameron - Humphrey

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