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... come in
nothing ever wanders
... light
glows at the forest

golden armor
nothing ever harmed her
and come back through the water

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oh look in a golden light
after the sun burns out
loneliness you're haunting me

we're neither here nor there
we're swept up by the sea
birds fly into my room
when you sat with me

we're neither here nor there

and I owned an art gallery
until you stole it from me
all the sons throw stones
and shattered all your windows

golden armor
nothing ever harmed her
and come back through the water

buried under water
buried under water

oh look in the golden light
after the sun burns out
loneliness you're haunting me

we're neither here nor there
we're some place in between
... in the swamp
Its neither here nor there
We're swept up by the sea
Birds fly into my room
When you sat with me
We're neither here nor there

buried under water
buried under water
ghost home

I start to remember
you're not the only one who knows
and now that I start to remember
you're not the only one who knows
and now that I start to remember
you're not the only one who knows
and now I start to remember
you're not the only one who knows

Writer(s): Ari Picker

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