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This mountain is way too high
I don't know if I can beat it
Hush, just let it sleep
Before I run over it

No mountain is way too high
Now nothing can ever stop me
Death is black no more
It's marble with green and purple colors

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You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

Pain will never bring me down
What doesn't kill you, kicks you higher
Life is black no more
It's marble with red and yellow colors

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

Fear is a word that you need to erase
You have the power you need to embrace

Run boy run and never stop

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

You fill me up
I'll take it forever
Run boy run and never stop

Writer(s): Ville Tomi Tapani Malja, Anssi Tapani Nordberg, Janne Tapio Heikkonen, David Bottrill, Jussi Matikainen

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