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Silence in the room
But I still hear your voice
I've been awake all night
My heart is aching for you

Blinded by the light
I cannot see the answers
Here with open arms
My heart is waiting for you

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How much this is gonna hurt?
You promise you'll never tell a lie
Don't tell me it's over
Even in the end I feel alive

I did trust your words

But I don't trust your actions
Walk on broken glass
The chemical reaction
The chemical reaction

How much is this gonna hurt?
You promise you'll never tell a lie
Don't tell me it's over
Even in the end I feel alive

Burn baby, burn baby
I will shut the door and hide the key
Burn baby, burn baby
Burn baby, burn baby

Give you a taste of your own medicine
Burn baby, burn baby
Time to break free
How much is this gonna hurt?

You promise you'll never tell a lie
Don't tell me it's over
Even in the end I feel alive
I'm alive, I'm alive

Writer(s): Andrea Gaetano Ferro, Marco Biazzi, Christina Scabbia, Marco Coti Zelati, Jay Baumgardner

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