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'Member the many wars
We fought when we were young?
The many ones we lost
And the few we won
When in the dead of night
We sang our battle song
But when I look at you
Not sure you want to sing along
Now that these days are gone
Looks like you've lost your attitude
Looks like the only one
You're fighting nowadays is you
Talk about loyalty
But you're just clinging to your booze
Look almost dead to me
Looks like you've lost the war for good
'Member the many nights
Sitting on a bench?
The world's a battlefield
Where we'd stay in our trench
When we said us and them
But we meant right and wrong?
But when I look at you
It's hard to tell what side you're on
Now that these days are gone
Looks like you've lost your attitude
The beer has washed away
Whatever good was left of you
Talk about loyalty
But you're just clinging to your booze
Look almost dead to me
Looks like you've lost the war for good
'Member the many wars
We fought when we were young?
The many ones we lost
And the few we won
When in the dead of night
We sang our battle song
But when I look at you
Not sure you want to sing along
Now that these days are gone
Looks like you've lost your attitude
Looks like the only one
You're fighting nowadays is you
And your eyes are more
Those of a shadow than a man
You're not my enemy
You're just another fallen friend

Writer(s): Meury Nicolas, Maitre Etienne, Felix Landis

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