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You just don't care as much as me
I guess I better let it go now
You're better off just being free
I guess I'm better off alone now
And everything I did to make it better
And every little thing I tried to make it work out
I wish you'd let me speak
I wish we could talk
But seems like there's nothing left to
Speak about
It's like
You just don't care as much as me
I guess I better let it go now
You're better off just being free
I guess I'm better off alone now
We're past arguing
We just swallow in silence
And though I go ahead and I
Apologize to you
You just can't seem to find it in you
To say it's alright
Why can't you swallow your pride
Just like I'm swallowing mine?
It's like
You just don't care as much as me
I guess I better let it go now
You're better off just being free
I guess I'm better off alone now
You just don't care as much as me
I guess I better let it go now
You're better off just being free
I guess I'm better off alone now

Writer(s): Meury Nicolas, Maitre Etienne, Felix Landis

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