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She could have known (...) is the same
She could have seen the sun and drain
She could have known and (...) the sky
She could have see the (...) before (?)

She could have
Cheer me
She could have
Stay the same
She could have
Stay the same
She could have
Stay the same
She could have

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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She could have soared with pleasant dreams
She could have saw the way I see
She could have make out in (...) room (?)
She could have known everything (?)

She could have been
So insane
She could have been
So insane
She could have been
So strange
She could have been
So strange

Bass part!

Writer(s): Kurt Donald Cobain

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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