
Kuba Kluza is a pianist and singer from Krakow, Poland. Coming from the musical family, from an early age he has performed on the stages of Krakow Opera, Juliusz Słowacki Theatre and Krakow Philharmonic. Currently Kuba is a singer in the local garrison club in his beloved hometown. In summer 2018 he released his debut single This Time with his own lyrics and music with an arrangement co-produced with his father. The lyrics were written under the influence of the artist's personal experiences and emotions. The song is made up of a simple act of calling for the indication of the path in the world that sets artificial canons for young people on their start in adult life.

On April 3rd 2020 Kuba released his second single ‘Bones’ - a song written under the influence of Michael Jackson’s autobiography book “Moonwalk” and the music of The Jackson 5. The song illustrates universal and fun power of music that makes people feel free.

On September 25th 2020 Kuba released his third single called 'Unnamed Dark Song'. The song was inspired by the Syrian civil war events.

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