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Dołącz do innych i śledź ten album
Scrobbluj, szukaj i odkryj na nowo muzykę z kontem 1.Kronix - Noxium 04:41 2.Kronix - Gargoyle 04:41 3.Kronix - Desire to Die 04:11 4.Kronix - Totality 04:41 about Kronix takes us back to the genre's roots with the Gargoyle EP. Filled with 4 absolute bangers that showcase both his skills, and the genres old school sounds that defined it all those years ago. Old school style sounds, with new school style production techniques. This is an album for the bass heads! credits released July 3, 2020
Wyświetl wiki 1.Kronix - Noxium 04:41 2.Kronix - Gargoyle 04:41 3.Kronix - Desire to Die 04:11… dowiedz się więcej 1.Kronix - Noxium 04:41 2.Kronix - Gargoyle 04:41 3.Kronix - Desire to Die 04:11 4.Kronix - Totality 04:41 about Kro… dowiedz się więcej
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