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Then give me your word,
I've never heard anything so absurd.
All I ask is that you cut me some slack.
Stop lingering and jump off my back.

Struck a living in this side.
This is London in the slums.
Sometimes I did never learn
there are no rules of thumb.

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Certainty's lost.
A distant memory, a thing of the past.
A pause, a guesswork in the wise,
constantly wondering and wandering.

Struck a living in this side.
This is London in the slums.
Sometimes I did never learn,
there are no rules of thumb.

Then give me your word,
I've never heard anything so absurd.
All I ask is that you cut me some slack.
Stop lingering and jump off my back.

Struck a living in this side.
This is London in the slums.
Sometimes I did never learn,
there are no rules of thumb.

Writer(s): Thomas Alexander Savage

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