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Save us save us from our secrets
Save us from ourselves
Save us from our sins and sorrow

Teach us, teach us to be patient
While we kneel and pray
Pray like there is no tomorrow

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Save us, save us from our cravings
Saves us from the lies they sell
Time will tell

Lead us, lead us through the valley
Of gluttony and pride

Now you know where it comes from
Now you know where it goes
Now you know why it holds you back till you reap what you sow
Now you know where I'm going
Will you bargain your soul
Cause you know it will hold you back till you reap what you sow

Free us, free us from our shackles
Free us while we kneel and pray
We will obey

Lead us, lead us to salvation
Lead us to the light

Now you know where it comes from
Now you know where it goes
Now you know why it holds you back till you reap what you sow
Now you know where I'm going
Will you bargain your soul
Cause you know it will hold you back till you reap what you sow

Till you reap what you sow
And you'll pay what you owe
Till you reap what you sow
Till you reap what you sow

Writer(s): Mark Sheppard, Joy Shannon

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