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The blinding white
So far behind I am
And running
Over idle ground
This evening
I kept my word
Did you
I'm turning around
Wait for your sound

Only so far
According to who
The journey of our lives
I'm so slow (when did you first say)
Compared to you
Departer (I swear it's the truth)
It's the month of July

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In your eyes I was the stronger
So how am I to cover you now
Without shadowing your path
This time
I watch from the sidelines
Your ghost in the limelight
Face your fears
And pierce the night

So close
If only you knew
The story of our lives
I'm so rash (why would I swear)
Compared to you
Surrender (you know it's the truth)
It's the path of our lives

Writer(s): Jonas Petter Renkse, Krister Linder

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