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It's not like poetry, it's not a pirouette
It's not a symphony, or a melody
It's nothing like the stars
It's not like city lights
It's nothing like a dream, it's just me
When you're near here, when you come this close
Eye to eye, sitting on each other's seat, oh

Do you fear the tension?
Do you fear the tension?
Dangerous and pure
Real and nothing more
Do you fear the tension, the tension?

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

I know the rules made up
And I know all about the things that we decide
To - - -
I know the history about the kings and queens
Of love and tragedy, but this is me
It's not magic, it's no mystery
Nothing sacred, just a shiver in my body, oh

Do you fear the tension?
Do you fear the tension?
Dangerous and pure
Real and nothing more
Do you fear the tension, the tension?

Writer(s): Karin Park

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