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It's getting really heavy
Juste a bang of troubles
If we have been told before
We wouldn't have eaten poison
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires
Go to the end, and start again
Go to the end, and start again
If we wait, nothing will happen
If we wait, nothing will happen
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires
Go to the end, and start again
Go to the end, and start again
If we wait, nothing will happen
If we wait, nothing will happen
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires
It's a good time for Batcaves
50 rules of vampires

Writer(s): Orion Bouvier, Caroline Martial

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