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Beside you, I drank from the pitcher of life
Whisper as not to wake the land
Timeless and wide, in the middle of the night
I wanna see again

How many times I've watched the sun
Rise and die in a world of the blue
Sunlight burns on the water
The blues fall on you like a word on me
Never to be the same

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It was slow but for so long, I watched every gain
I thought I made tumble to the ground

Silence through the rooms of this house
Hold every answer, ever come at the end
Timeless and wide in the middle of the night
And I'm just waiting for you all over again

How many times I've watched the sun
Rise and die in a world of the blue
Sunlight burns on the water
The blues fall on you like a word on me
Never going to be the same

It was slow, true and tried, what we've known
I'll carry that through time, never firms the pain of life

Your love filled me like summer ground, passed me
Like the rising sun
Now I get some nostalgic feels sometimes

Writer(s): Julie Marie Byrne

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