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Oh, let me carry your bags
Let me lighten your load
And let me mellow your mind
As we drive down the road

Yeah oh, Lady Memphis let me ride
Your beautiful slide guitar suicide
You know, I'll find you baby, don't try to hide
You know, love is true and it ain't no lie

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Tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it

Oh baby, take off your clothes
And roll with me
Oh baby, nobody knows
That you're here with me

Yeah oh, Lady Memphis let me ride
Your beautiful slide guitar suicide
You know, I'll find you baby, don't try to hide
You know, love is true and it ain't no lie

Tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it

Oh, well, it's late in the day
You say, you got to go home
I'll send you on your way
Leave me on my own

Yeah oh, Lady Memphis let me ride
Your beautiful slide guitar suicide
You know, I'll find you baby, don't try to hide
You know, love is true and it ain't no lie

Tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it feels
You tell me how it

Writer(s): Johnathan Rice, Jay Joyce, Jesse Harris

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