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Oh, anxious hands
Laid light on my bed
Take all my plans for today

Take a walk through
Town at golden hour
What is not true will fade away

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In the porcelain of dusk
In the dawn of red rust
We do what we must, and that's okay
Shine like a friend
And all that blooms will fade
And like the desert sands, we'll blow away

Everyone sees
Someone in the distance
Far out of reach with their own lives

We're stuck between
Coming and going
Forever taking leave, saying goodbye

I tried to be
Everyone but me
It took time to see, and that's okay
Shine like a friend
And all that blooms will fade
And like the desert sands, we'll blow away

Maybe I won't, I can't say
Maybe I won't, I can't say

Writer(s): John Abney

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