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I've been thinking about the way the world turns
And my stomach churns
When it finally hits me out of the sky
I knew this day would come, I'm on the front line

Oh, don't know how to take it in is love just suffering?
Cause I can see where the chapter ends
I've got autumn leaves

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And heartbreak dreams inside, inside
'Cause you and me
On this frozen sea we slide, slide
I wait all on my own like a flower in the snow
With just my shadow following me out into the cold
Where I walk past the trees to look for my love
Oh and it's got me wondering is love just suffering?

'Cause I can see where the chapter ends
I've got autumn leaves
And heartbreak dreams inside, inside
'Cause you and me
On this frozen sea we slide, slide, slide, slide

Writer(s): Iain Archer, Jake Kennedy

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