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  • Data wydania

    31 marca 2016

  • Czas trwania

    7 utworów

Artist: ISM
Release: Electric Dread EP
Label: Addictech Records
Release Date: April 1st, 2016
Duration: 40:29
Catalog # ADDICTECH107
UPC Code: 889326589907
File Under: Dubstep, Drum and Bass

For the highest percentage to go to the artist, please consider purchasing this release from the Addictech.com store directly. -> https://addictechrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ism-electric-dread

ISM on Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/ism-nz
ISM on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ismmusiknz
Addictech Records Facebook: www.facebook.com/addictechrecords
Addictech Records Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/addictech-records/

New Zealand's Harry Bretherton, known in the realm of electronic music as Organikismness, has been around the block. And not just once; the artist has been building an almost encyclopedic catalog of tunes for almost a decade. Organikismness isn’t afraid to experiment - he’s conquered a massive range of tempos and has proven time and time again his prowess in composing both original music and stellar remixes. Drum & Bass and Dubstep were clearly very influential to his palate of the deep, dark, and mysterious, and now he’s returned as ISM with 7 symphonic selections entitled “Electric Dread LP.”

The concept of the aptly named LP represents the seamless interconnectivity of electronic music and dub/reggae vibes and culture. The first four tracks of the project are Dubstep - strictly that deep 140 that instantly puts you in a dark room, slithering on cold concrete. The opening track, “Electric Dread (Naza Vibes)” begins with a quote from an insightful Jamaican man, and sets the tone for the dubbed out, eerie album. Then the bombastic bass and wonky rhythmic percussion creeps on in and the mean mug comes out to play. “Badoozy”’s off-kilter wobble will have you sittin’ sideways, while “Babylon”’s ethereal synth work and spooky vocal samples in the beginning predict a slightly different outcome - we’re treated to an aggressively soothing bassline and the crisp clicks of ISM’s complex drum patterns. The latter half of the album is a journey through Drum & Bass. The refrain of the percussion in “Mercy” pairs excellently with ISM’s voluminously viscous vibrations, and the closing track, “Dreadnaughtus” is a glitch-ridden half-time banger that knocks the cerebellum with furious fervor.

“Electric Dread,” in the end, is a spectacular showcase of Organikismness’ boisterous bass bombs, and a solid testament to his competence and mastery of dancefloor bass music production. Equally appropriate in a dark bedroom or in a dimly-lit club, this shit will make you gyrate your pelvis, sway your hips and do the damn thing.

Even though this release is available at over 300 outlets, we encourage you to purchase from the Addictech.com store. We are very generous to our artists, and by purchasing from this site you support them directly with no middleman!

Promotional packages available for radio, media and blog reviews.
released April 1, 2016

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