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Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the light goes down

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the night comes down

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Feel someone's watching you
You've got to get away
Is it the first time
You've ever felt this scared?

Feel the adrenalin pump
Your heart begins to race
Begin to run now
The sweat runs down your face

Don't know which way to turn
You'd better hide yourself
He's getting close now
You'd better improvise

Just hope you never reach
The point of no return
Could be the last time
You see the light of day

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the night goes down

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the light goes down

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to
Don't look to

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the light goes down

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Don't look through the eyes of a fool
Don't look to the eyes of a stranger
Somebody's watching when the light goes down

Don't look to the eyes of a stranger

Writer(s): Steve Harris

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