Dołącz do innych i śledź ten album
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Dołącz do innych i śledź ten album
Scrobbluj, szukaj i odkryj na nowo muzykę z kontem Welcome to an audio-trip enweaved by Veniamin Vigovsky from subtle structures of the psychedelic downtempo and uniting in itself a resinous bass with colours of live instruments. Tools of Perception - that's the name the author of the Invisible Inks project gave to the second album where influence of a cultural context on a person's perception of the world around himself became the main subject. How was the world seen by ancient people? It's possible to understand it only by having a look at it with … dowiedz się więcej Welcome to an audio-trip enweaved by Veniamin Vigovsky from subtle structures of … dowiedz się więcej Welcome to an audio-trip enweaved by Veniamin Vigovsky from subtle structures of the psychedelic downtempo and uniting… dowiedz się więcej
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