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These words...
These sights, their meaning is dissolving
When the past is revealed in each glance at pictures
The softness dies under the weight of relentless regrets

I sought it in martyr's sore
While my smiles deceived them all
Over life's fake balms & lore
I know I can't rely on yours at all

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

The darkest prayers, the shameful pleas
End without echoes, without answers
I wonder, blinded, among false memories
Lured by tales whispered by liars

Despite their strokes, these shadows are bitter to my senses
Are they the ones who put these chains on me?
Or, is my being craving their mocking sympathies?
I only know sadness is the lover of reality

Feel like no one can decrease the pressure
Despair, impotence, the acrid taste of failure...

These pains and cries were born with me
Don't even try...
You can't save me, for you will know
Fall is the price of empathy...

Untold, yet inborn...
Inescapable suffering
The face of life is torn
As silence is hacked by my sobbing...

Writer(s): Sébastien Pierre, Stéphane Peudupin, Thomas Rugolino

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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