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How does it feel to have blue blood coursing through your veins?
How does it feel to have blue blood coursing through your veins?
How does it feel to have blue blood coursing through your veins?
How does it feel to have blue blood coursing through your veins?

Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns

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How does it feel to have shanked the working classes into dust?
How does it feel to have shanked the working classes into dust?
How does it feel to have won the war that nobody wants?
How does it feel to have won the war that nobody wants?

Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns

How does it feel?
How does it feel?
How does it feel?
How does it feel?

Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns
Pull on my reigns

Writer(s): Joseph Talbot, Adam Devonshire, Lee Kiernan, Jonathan Beavis, Mark Bowen

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