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Hear me O' unmaker
I welcome thee worldbreaker
Banish the forsaker
I welcome thee lightbringer

For the night to arrive the flames must die
For the flames to die this world must first burn
For the world to burn we need your light
For your light to shine we need you to rise

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Hear me O' unmaker
I welcome thee worldbreaker
Banish the forsaker
I welcome thee lightbringer

In the sea of sorrow you swim in circles
Trapped and sinking without guidance
No matter the words that you whisper
Your god shall never hear your prayers

Remove the chains of time and space
And make my spirit soar
Let these mortal arms embrace
The life that haunts before

Hear me O' unmaker
I welcome thee worldbreaker
Banish the forsaker
I welcome thee lightbringer

Be the breaker, O' Unmaker
The forsaker of another

Remove the chains of time and space
And make my spirit soar
Let these mortal arms embrace
The life that haunts before

Be the breaker, O' Unmaker
The forsaker of another

Writer(s): Markus Vanhala, Waltteri Vayrynen, Janne Petteri Markkanen, Okko Lauri Einari Solantera

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