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Ensconce me
In a bible black sigh
Absorb my tribute
My abject need
Robed in flesh
Assuage my malaise, my lust to create
with displays of teeth, devour me

To extract my being
I trade blood for ink
Vivisection complete
Commit me to memory

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I'll be a frail utterance cutting deep
Bones eroded, shaped into effigy
Make me a siren's song
Make me a monument to suffering

Face to the pavement
Wrest me free
Will you place me upon the altar?

A thirst for permanence?
An ego to sate?
Envy's firm grasp?
Commit me to memory

Commit me

Amongst settled dust
I breathe aromas of midnight
Sense the marrow's gentle pulse
I'm free

Then a tickling in the throat
An ache wells from within
Vessels Constrict
I'm in the grip of angst again

Free me

Writer(s): Alexander Joseph Kulick, James Joseph Knox, Nathan Damian Joel Herring, Matthew James Knox

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