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Close your eyes and dream
Dream of anything
Dream of everything

Close your eyes and dream
Dream of anything
Dream of everything

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Imagine this
Imagine you're a star
Singing on a stage la la la
Hear the crowd applaud
What a great reward
When they shout hooray

Imagine this
Imagine you're a star
Running in a race, oh, so far
Reaching for the sky
You're really gonna fly
When you finish first

Dream on dream of anything
Dream on dream of everything
Close your eyes and see what you can be when you
Dream on dream of anything
Dream on dream of everything
Close your eyes and see what you can be when you

Close your eyes and dream
Dream of anything
Dream of everything

Dream on dream of anything
Dream on dream of everything
Close your eyes and see what you can be when you
Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream

Writer(s): Chris Harriott, Amy Harris

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