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I believe in Mary
She's good enough for me
In her simple service and her calm delivery
I think that I smell roses
But none that I can see
It's a miracle of Mary

They believe in evil by popular demand
A twisted kind of worship
Hit with your own hand
I believe in choices
Making your own mind
Not everybody makes their own alright

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They'll probably get it past you
Such a crooked hand
It's something that they'll have to
The lay now of the land
But even in your hollow grip of poverty
There's a miracle of Mary

She's holy underneath you
She'd rather it that way
The end of it not working
A place for you to lay
She'll meet you where you're standing
Let you in for free
It's a miracle of Mary
It's a miracle of Mary
It's a miracle of Mary
It's a miracle of Mary
It's a miracle of Mary

Writer(s): Michael Bloch, Kristina Lieberson, Peter Hale, Jennifer Turner, Luke Breneman

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