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Simplicity is what we need
And I know it in my heart
So many choices make us think we need
What we haven't got

I've been blessed by you
I've been tested by an angel
I've been blessed by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness

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And if I knew what Buddha taught
Would my wings unfold?
And if I had all that I want
Could I let it go?

I've been blessed by you
I've been tested by an angel
I've been blessed by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness

Sometimes I feel like I'm learning to crawl
Like I'm still learning how to love
And sometimes I feel like I'm losing it all
But I know there must be some way
We can rise above

I've been blessed by you
I've been tested by an angel
I've been blessed by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness
And I know and I believe, and I know and I

Writer(s): Heather Nova

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