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Out of the street, you better get on home
Tail shakin' filly runnin' on her own
They say she got loose on the night
She was born, cranking it up in a school zone

"Kick it out, come on kick it out", she said
"Kick out your motor and drive
While you're still alive, kick it out"

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Sittin' in a bar in a seaside town
Sweet little love gettin' high, gettin' down
Well, sailors see her runnin' along the beach
Laugh and jump out of reach

Wild music blowin' in her mane
She need a bareback rider won't give her, no pain
A hard racy game of give and take
She never plays, half crazed, in her wake

"Kick it out", she said, "Kick it out"
Come on, come on
"Kick it out your motor and drive
While you're still alive, kick it out"

Ooh yeah
Kick it out, come on
Kick out your motor and drive
While you're still alive, kick it out

Ooh, she said, "Kick out
Ah, kick out your motor and drive
While you're still alive, kick it out"

Ooh yeah, ooh, kick out your motor and drive
While you're still alive, kick it out
Ooh, ooh, ooh yeah

Writer(s): Ann Wilson Dustin

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